Thursday, November 19, 2009

This Information May Have Been True Before

This information may have been true before, but not now and I noticed they indicate it was "Last Updated: 2009-10-13" so maybe it did result in getting the proper AVS DVD Player. But if you use the link on the next page for the actual download (where my first Sidewiki entry details this inaccuracy) all you will get is the installation program for AVS Media Player. I have just finished using the "Report Invalid Link" that is provided on that download page and the automated response has indicated that something will happen within one business day.

in reference to: Download AVS DVD Player FREE, AVS DVD Player FREE Download (view on Google Sidewiki)

Misleading Info is Not Entirely Brothersoft's Fault

The link provided here is (as is says) an "Official Download", but it does not result in getting the AVS DVD Player (version, but the downgraded AVS Media Player (version The link is official because it comes from the AVS4YOU website, but it is AVS4YOU that is misleading by giving it the name of AVSDVDPlayer.exe that is in their downloads directory which is a bit sneaky and IMO quite dishonest. Seven months ago (April 21, 2009) I was able to download the real AVS DVD Player and it was version I will be attempting to use the "Report Invalid Link" and we shall see if Brothersoft is more interested in the traffic that this fraudulent link provides or in their reputation for providing the best links to online software.

I can see that the Sidewiki has a definite advantage for providing truth since the website cannot delete the entries.

in reference to: Free AVS DVD Player FREE Download (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Warning - Norton IDs Trojan for this Link

I went to the link that is highlighted in this Sidewiki entry and Norton Alerted me several times that it had blocked activities before I closed the page. I can confirm that it was a real attack because my Acrobat Reader opened by itself (so I guess Norton didn't really block it completely).

in reference to:

"Welcome to StarryNight Management Blog, for more information see:Ultimate Application. Find out more at:"
- WappBlog: Our Contributors (view on Google Sidewiki)

Glossary of Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

This is a very insightful web page that I came across when looking up the definition for "Long Tail Keywords" that helps a novice like me get a better understanding of e-commerce marketing strategies.

in reference to:

"Long Tail Keywords Long tail keywords are keyword phrases composed of three or more words that collectively are more specific than a single keyword. Long tail keywords are more likely to convert to sales than shorter, more generic keywords because there is less competition for them. Generally, the more specific the search, the closer the searcher is to the act of purchasing a product or service."
- Glossary of SEM and PPC Terms | TopSide Media | Austin, Texas (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Keyboard shortcut to 'Ease of Access' for Magnifier

The ( [Microsoft Key] + U ) keyboard combination brings up the Ease of Access Center that promotes 4 items that are intended to make your computer easier to use with"Start Magnifier" being presented at the top, left. The "[Microsoft Key]" is that special key usually the second key over to the left of the space bar (the ALT key is usuallly between them).

in reference to: Magnify your screen and zoom in on the Web (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

HHO Gas - Combustible Form of Water

This PDF contains information on the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen referred to as HHO gas and is different in chemical composition than the Brown gas. First published November 2005 and last modified June 2006.

This entry refers to:

in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Learn Sudoku and avoid frustration

I first learned of Sudoku from the Windows Vista Sidebar gadget, but was frustrated many times. I found out later that some puzzle layouts were not valid because there were mulitple solutions and apparently a proper Sudoku puzzle's initial number placements should only result in one solution. With Sudoklue Pro I now test various websites that offer free Sudoku puzzles online to see if they are valid. I bought the Pro version over a year ago and it was well worth it. Plus it was being updated and improved without me having to bug the developer.

This entry is about:

in reference to: Sudoklue - Sudoku Solving and Teaching Tool (view on Google Sidewiki)