Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Part 2 - Sukhavati - A Mythic Journey with Joseph Campbell - Part 2.wmv

In Sukhavati (place of bliss), Joseph Campbell travels around the world to show and discuss mythical symbols. He studies Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism throughout the ages in various cultures.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sukhavati - A Mythic Journey with Joseph Campbell - Part 1

It was in the early 1990's (I think) that I saw JOSEPH CAMPBELL and THE POWER OF MYTH with Bill Moyers on a PBS station (KCET) in Los Angeles. Today I found another video series with him in it that is very much the same. At least from watching the 1st of three parts at Veoh. Here is Part one.

Part 1 - Sukhavati - A Mythic Journey with Joseph Campbell - Part 1.wmv

Online Videos by

Friday, January 11, 2008

A Quote to Inspire Originality

"No one in the world was ever you before, with your particular gifts and abilities and possibilities. It's a shame to waste those by doing what someone else has done."

quote by Joseph Cambell

blog entry by KC Jenner

I found this recently and I may use it as one of my favorite quotes for my mundane identity (in thinking of myself as an individual rather than being the Whole).

This is taken out of context (PUN):
I was going to say that I don't think I've taken this out of context. Meaning that, I haven't twisted it's meaning) but as you can see I found it at website and that's where my PUN fun comes from. :)

PS There are many interesting ideas on that page. One of those ideas was about something I didn't realize. I thought that the Biblical God created everything, but this page says that the WATERS were something that He didn't create. And further that this is the Goddess aspect (water) is/was being suppressed.

PSS This is my 1st post to Blogger. My account had problems; they didn't like my age... I could not sign up because it kept saying INVALID DATE. But that was last year. (And tomorrow's my birthday.) I'm back now only because I've begun Vlogging at YouTube. (Talk about 'running' before 'learning to walk') I was setting up a link to a blog at YouTube and Blogger was one of the choices. So I thought I'd see if I could create one this time. And lo and behold I was in the system. I just entered a Title for my blogs, selected the URL prefix and template. The main and upper part of this blog I had really intended for a Bulletin at YouTube. It would have been my 1st bulletin there, but it didn't take. That was okay and maybe it's that I was meant to put this quote here. :)