Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Entry For My New Blog

I have made this blog in the attempt to get better at blogging. I have been using a nickname of KCinLA in many places. I was hoping I'd be able to get that for the first part of my blogs URL, but it wasn't available. However kc-kcinla was available and then I used that as a guideline to come up with a name for this blog. My first blog Quest for Answers was supposed to be mainly my questions and discoveries regarding spirituality and reality.

With this blog I want to be able to explore some controversies that I have come across on the Internet. In some ways this is a philosophical concern, but also practical that I'm going to sum up as a Quest for Truth. But an important sub-theme will hopefully be that of what to do about whatever it is that I discover, uncover or exposed with the emphasis on the positive. I have found it to be personally upsetting when I hear fear mongers rant their stuff. I'm usually a first learner and get bored with repetition that seems to go in circles.

Lately I seem to be of the opinion that these rabble rousers are knowing promoting or inciting a riot or revolution of the violent kind. As an example (and you may recognize the author) this chant at first I did not understand what it meant: THE ANSWER TO 1984 IS 1776!

One of the main purposes of this blog will be a place that I will keep track of my investigations on the validity or accuracy of facts from various conspiracy theories that had caught my attention. It is not my intention of this blog to debunk any of these theories because I am very open-minded, but also reasonably down-to-earth and logical in most of my dealings with things. And so in the course of being amazed at some of the claims made on various topics I have found that their facts were not exactly correct. But it is very difficult to determine some of these.

I think I'll stop for now. And I'm going to publish it and I'm going to be editing it later to italicize some words and/or add bold-facing here or there. Plus some hyperlinks and maybe more details and/or examples. I don't know if that violates blogging ethics, but I have a personally problem in that many times I cannot start a task because I feel I can't finish it (in time). This way it gets out there (although I don't know if anyone really has seen any of my posts from previous blogging).


With almost 20 years inside the health insurance industry, Wendell Potter saw for-profit insurers hijack our health care system and put profits before patients. Now, he speaks with Bill Moyers about how those companies are standing in the way of health care reform.


Bill Moyers Journal airs Friday nights at 9pm on PBS. Check your local listings. http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal

Starting at about 21 minutes it really gets interesting. MEDICAL LOSS RATIO is a frightening term.

Then at about 29:45 the obvious is stated that instead of a government bureaucrat between the patient and doctor we have CEO bureaucrats from the insurance companies.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Canada Cures Cancer!.., but no one cares.

And what she IS NOT (cannot) say is that it would kill the profits from the Big Pharmaceutical Companies current offerings to cure diseases.

Thinking about this further and listening to her again I find her replies to questions PRE-PROGRAMMED. I'm not faulting her really. It seems from the data given in this video that much of the required testing has already been done so it would not be that expensive.

It may be more desirable to be an exclusive supplier or manufacturer - plus is that not a slap in capitalism tenet of a free market where there is competition?

This video appeared was uploaded on July 11, 2009 and the users has not given any other information. I really have no idea how old this broadcast is. The users has tagged the video in an overloading manner such that all related videos are from their channel - personally I don't like that.

At a time now when the United States is focusing on Health Care this video is really one of the things that makes me disgusted with the whole debate on whether its socialized medicine or the capitalistic free market approach. They both claim money is a big issue but I have not heard what they intend to do about this which I believe is at the heart of the problem regarding costs.